Linda Huijbers
Creative designer


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Het Gevangen Landschap

The history of Veenhuizen is captured in the landscape as well as the landscape is captured in history. This book, together with the video “Sturend Landschap”, ”Controlled Landscape”,is part of a visual research where the landscape of Veenhuizen is read in different ways. The visuals raise different questions, where shape and size and importance of the history and nowadays are the key elements. While landscapes are constantly changing in time, Veenhuizen is standing still. The history is readable zooming out the landscape in shape and size. When you look from the top, this history is visible in the most beautiful way. It doesn’t only show how we, by history and culture in the Netherlands, are more precized and how we, during the Colonies of Benevolence in Veenhuizen, are dealing with landscape. It also shows the role of landscape in our daily lives. How we interact within it and how it interacts within us.

Orde en Maat - Het Gevangen Landschap

Voorwoord - Het Gevangen Landschap

'Sturend Landschap'